I know this is a very old issue, but I think I have a similar problem, where a property is marked as being associated to a specific RDBMS which then changes e.g. ‘mysql’ to ‘mariadb’.
For example, for years we had:
<property name="now" value="now()" dbms="mysql"/>
When we migrated to mariadb, this property becomes unset, and we must change the changeset to:
<property name="now" value="now()" dbms="mariadb"/>
However this calculates a change in the checksum and running a migration fails. We can clear the checksums but it would be nice to have a future proof way of saying “this change is not significant to the checksum”.
See also discussion at potential feature - ignore checksum - #3 by un1376926463332r33id
Is this annotation DatabaseChangeProperty available, and how would we use it in an XML file, please?