Liquibase on release agent

We are running into an issue implementing Liquibase on our ADO Windows Release agents. We are able to run Liquibase on the agent host machine - but due to relative paths it is failing on the agents themselves. Liquibase is installed on the OS drive (C:) and individual agent workspace folders are on a different drive (E:). The agents are going to roll out updates to multiple databases in several different environments.
The thought is to pull a zip artifact that contains changelog and scripts for the specific database/environment and expand in the agent workspace for use by Liquibase. The relative path requirement is making it difficult. Any ideas?

Hi @bplucas,

It’s likely a security concern where ADO won’t let you change or access applications from C: drive. Some ideas you can try (you may have tried some of these):

a) In you ADO pipeline code, you can set path to Liquibase in environment variable, e.g. set PATH=C:\Liqubiase;%PATH%
b) You can install Liquibase on E: drive instead of on C: drive
c) You can pull down and install Liquibase at runtime. My colleague has an example for it here.
d) You can run Liquibase in a docker container so that there is no need to install Liquibase on the agent. You can pull down Liquibase docker image at runtime. More information here and here.