I am using Liquibase through Grails Database Migration Plugin. I am trying to accomplish a simple goal - to not run any of my chnagesets if the database is HSQL. I am adding a pre-condition (this is Groovy DSL) to my master changelog file:
databaseChangeLog = {
include file: ‘changelog_2.5.0.groovy’
I would like the database migration to stop if the database is HSQL. And that works fine. What I do not want to happen is for the Grails application to quit upon encountering a Liquibase exception.
Thus, my question: is it possible to quietly exit from the changelog after the precondition fails without throwing an exception? I understand this can be done in changesets (MARK_AS_RUN), but I would like to have a global pre-condition attached to the changelog.
Thank you,