Whilst the liquibase documentation doesn’t enforce / recommend any particular convention for the identifier I’d be interested in other teams experiences on what worked well / didn’t for them and why.
We could generate an identifier ourselves based on the date and a number sequence e.g. YYYYMMDD- although if others merge changesets in the same day they might get conflicts and resolve sequence numbers. I know it doesn’t matter so much even if out of sequence as the key issue is uniqueness however perhaps some schemes are better.
Have others considered adding bug log / story identifiers from their host system into the identifier too e.g. for JIRA such as JIRA-1234-
Also we may have “newer” changes from old service pack branches merged into master for which we’d want to keep the same changeset identifier presumably i.e. it’s the same logical changeset with schema plus data updates in most cases.
Appreciate your thoughts and we can develop this into a guidance page