Connecting MYSQL server database and Oracle database using Liquibase command

I could connect to db2 type database successfully using below command and executed successfully. now i want to know how we can connect to mysql db and oracle on prem databases by following same method?
liquibase --url=“jdbc:$(db_type)://$(db_server_name)” --searchPath="$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\$(changeset_master_file_path)"
–changeLogFile=“changeset_master.xml” --username="$(account-id)"

what are the changes need to be done to above command ?

Please share exact commands. Thank you

The only change would be to the url structure and value. You’ll need to provide a valid jdbc string for each platform, I don’t think this structure will work for oracle (not sure about mysql):


then what is the strucutre will work for oracle and mysql?

can you point me to the document or to the person who knows about it?

You just need to provide a jdbc URL that is valid for the platform. There are many ways to form a valid string for oracle:





Can you please share the relevant Liquibase document for the whatever you have shared.