I’m triyng to start hsqldb via ant script. The only problem I have at the moment is my database path location.
When I start hsql db:
- <java fork="true"
- classname="${jdbc.main.class}" classpath="${jdbc.classpath}">
I see the following debug messages in console:
Checking for listener at
- [java] Executing 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_21\jre\bin\java.exe' with arguments:
- [java] '-classpath'
- [java] 'G:\My Documents\PROJECTS\DataSource\lib\hsqldb-2.2.5.jar'
- [java] 'org.hsqldb.Server'
- [java] '--address'
- [java] ''
- [java] '--port'
- [java] '10000'
- [java] '--database.0'
- [java] 'file:G:\My'
- [java] 'Documents\PROJECTS\DataSource/QQQQ'
- [java] '--dbname.0'
- [java] 'datasourcedb'
As you see in lines 10, 11 the actual path in windows by ant is passed as
- G:\My Documents\PROJECTS\DataSource/QQQQ’
I also for test purposes tried to start ant task using actual path, not the parameter (line 5):
- <java fork="true"
- classname="${jdbc.main.class}" classpath="${jdbc.classpath}">
Received the same result. I see only My.tmp folder ant My.* files.
How can I resolve it?
Thank you.