Database Tag

Hi All ,

I am trying to tag the database for rollback purposes and below is the syntax that I am using in the changelog file.


The issue that I see is after applying this tag/changeset it also updates the previous changeset also with the Tag.

Below is the extract from the databasechangelog table  , function51 is a changeset from a previous run

===> function51    sr    ./db-changelog.xml    05-APR-14    15    EXECUTED    7:5616f4adba7690fafd882b3a607c3eca    sqlFile        version_2.0    3.1.1

===>2.0    Major Version    ./db-ApplyTag.xml    05-APR-14    16    EXECUTED    7:97fe9eb435a72fdfbe27647efa5be97d    tagDatabase        version_2.0    3.1.1

Has anybody faced the issue , any solution / workaround ?

Btw I am using Liquibase 3.1.1
