I would like to know if there is a way to deploy the log file after an update directly in the database.
It is unimportant if the update was succesfully or not. The only thing I know is that there is a way to output the log file during the update to a specific file.
Thanks for helping.
I’m not clear on exactly what you mean by deploy the log file. Are you trying to set up an automation to run the log-file command after each database update? I don’t see anything in the documentation that references that kind of automation, but I imagine you could probably create some kind of script to execute the command after a trigger. log-file | Liquibase Docs
Is there a way to get the log-file command to work programmatically?
This would help me very much.
Unfortunately the output file is not the same as the log file which I need. So the guide doesn’t help.
Like Tabby says - there is a log-file argument which defines which file is used to store the Liquibase output. So I think there is confusion here about what you mean by log-file.