Edition Based Redefinition from Oracle and liquibase plugin 3.8.1


I would like to specify the edition from oracle, it means, before doing any change in the database I have to execute ALTER SESSION SET EDITION = <name_of_edition>. Is there any way to do this usin the liquibase-maven-plugin?

I’m using the latest version 3.8.1

I’ve tried to add an sql file to my path

   <changeSet author=“liquibase-docs”
            path=“altersession1.sql”>CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE testHello2
                        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘Hello From The Database!’);

I have the following error:

 Attribute ‘path’ is not allowed to appear in element ‘createProcedure’

I’ve tried the same in yaml format, but it is not creating the stored procedure in the database, even though it seems to run properly.

Any clue how I can do this?


we’ve been able to solve it executing a first sqlFile changeset that executes ALTER SESSION SET EDITION = <name_of_edition>.

It looks like the connection is properly changed and that we’re able to execute the changes in the proper version.

Glad to hear. It sounded like you were having two separate issues. On the second issue (creating a procedure) I think your changeset is malformed. Not sure if Liquibase gave you an error message on that or not. I think there are two issues. The first issue is that you didn’t specify a name, and the second issue is that you have both the path to a sql file as well as inline SQL - you should pick one or the other. 

Steve Donie

Principal Software Engineer
Liquibase Community Engagement
Datical, Inc. http://www.datical.com/


You’re right, we’ve been doing test using files in yaml, json and xml format. We had different error messages with the different formats. I’m completely new to liquibase and I didn’t properly understand that I had either to use the path or the inline SQL, and from the error messages, I didn’t get it right.

In any case, thanks for the answer, we’ve been able to solve our issue.


Thanks! Datical, the company I work for, has recently committed more resources to maintaining Liquibase. One area we are putting more efforts into is the documentation, so if there are specific areas that are missing information or that are confusing, please let me know and we will address it. 

Steve Donie
Principal Software Engineer
Liquibase Community Engagement
Datical, Inc. http://www.datical.com/