endDelimiter="GO;" stops working since 3.5.xxx


We are using liquibase with MS SQL, a lot of changesets have been already written. And for some reason we are using endDelimiter=“GO;” in almost all changesets (please don’t ask me why, I haven’t an answer )

I’ve noticed that since liquibase 3.5.xxx such a delimiter doesn’t work anymore: liquibase send the query without “;” but with GO, and we catch an error.

Why the Liquibase behavior with delimiter was changed in newest version, is it a bug or you do such a change for some reason?

Some more information: I perform some investigation, it looks like since 3.5.xxx the method which parse string and splits it up to the sql expressions was changed dramatically, no it parse string word by word and work with composite delimiters(that make up more than 1 word) incorrectly

That’s why such a delimiter like “\nGO\n” (which need just to make sure that GO isn’t a part of any other keyword will not work as well