Getting setup with liquibase project on local workspace


I am setting up liquibase project on my local workspace. However, I need to set up the user id and password in the settings.xml so I can get the dependencies from artifactory and start contributing. Is there anybody that can help?



I have not used maven settings file recently but I know it can be done. Are you using the maven project ? you should be able to set up settings.xml file for maven and configure liquibase plugin.

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Yes I have set up the settings.xml file in my .m2 directory. What I’m missing is username and password for libs-snapshot-local, repo, plugins-release, and plugins-snapshot. How did you get those credentials/set them up?

I did not have to set those credentials as I was not using settings.xml file. I will see if I can try it and re produce the issue.

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Hi @chenmeister,
i’m not sure what exactly you try to do, but there are many ways to set up variable using maven.
First of all take a look at this And
Can you put an example config?

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@costinmoraru and @hope99. I am following the instructions in this link Step 7 is where I am stuck. This is the settings.xml file I am using in my .m2 directory below.




  <id> </id>
      <realm>OAM 11g </realm>
            <value>%b,true </value>
</server> oracle-maven-repo default true always repo repo default true always





Thanks for config files. I am curious , Are you also setting database login in settings.xml and is the build successful (without artifcatory integration) ?
does this help: JFrog Help Center

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I did not set database login in settings.xml. The build is unsuccessful without artifactory integration. I get the following errors:

Could not transfer metadata junit:junit-dep/maven-metadata.xml from/to repo ( Transfer failed for

Error: java: cannot access liquibase.precondition

Hi @chenmeister,
i don’t know what’s wrong. Fork the project, clone it, create a new branch, import in intellij and use maven to download dep and to built it. If you provide me some days and window time maybe i can set up a google meet to help you.

@costinmoraru is correct. You can just import it into itelliJ and in the Maven tab, you should be able to download dependencies. You won’t have access to, here’s where another user learned how to do it:

Hi @ronak and @costinmoraru,

I have followed all the steps you guys provided. However, I’m getting this error when I try to download dependencies

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install (default-cli) on project liquibase-core: The packaging for this project did not assign a file to the build artifact

UPDATE: So far, I’m able to get the liquibase-core compiled by using Lifecycle-> Compile in Intellij after cleaning my .m2/repository directory.

However, when I run Lifecycle->Install, I get an error like this

Hi @chenmeister,

I’m using Jdk 8, could you try with that?

Yes, I’ve set my JRE to use Jdk 8. It runs the groovy tests using mvn install but I now get this error.

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.1:test (default-test) on project liquibase-core: There are test failures.

Let me try and run the project with the configurations since I can compile it.

Update: I am able to run the liquibase project locally and put breakpoints in the code. I will continue playing around with it. Thanks for all your help @ronak @costinmoraru @hope99.

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Glad it worked out with project setup

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