How can i use ‘max.retry.count’ in file

i tried:

ALTER TABLE CIS_CASE ADD KR varchar2(1) NOT NULL WHERE CIS_CASE.retry_attempts >= ${max.retry.count};

in my “Database/oracle/schemas/2016-08-25-cnupd-data–cis_case_ks.sql”

and use the following changeset: as


                    Testing retry logic on liquibase</div>


            <sqlFile path="oracle/schemas/2016-08-25-cnupd-data--cis_case_ks.sql"/></div>


but when i run it i get:

Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Error executing SQL ALTER TABLE CIS_CASE ADD KR varchar2(1) NOT NULL WHERE CIS_CASE.retry_attempts >=  $ax.retry.count}: ORA-01735: invalid ALTER TABLE option