Is ForeignKeyExistsPrecondition class the implementation for <foreignKeyConstraintExists>?


I want to know whether ForeignKeyExistsPrecondition class is the implementation for the precondition tag  – the manual page lists only two attributes (both required) whereas ForeignKeyExistsPrecondition class has 3 attributes and I suspect foreign-key-table-name might be a substitute for foreign-key-name. Is my assumption correct?

Please also let me know the optional arguments resolved for other precondition types (e.g. the following):

vs IndexExistsPrecondition



Did you get this figured out?


Not really, haven’t figured that out yet. Currently I am forcing user to enter all params (assuming they are required) but I might be wrong. Please suggest which args are optional.



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What is required can depend on the database you are executing against. If I remember correctly, foreignKeyName is all that is always required, but some database types also need foreignKeyTableName (the name of the table the foreign key points to) to look up existing foreign keys.

schemaName is new and is not required. That is probably the one that is not in the docs. I’ll get it updated.
