Using my favourite xml editor to edit my changelog xml file I get the following validation error:
- File http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/dbchangelog-2.0.xsd is not valid.
- [$]\{[\w\.]+\}
Am I correct and if so can we fix the xsd?
Using my favourite xml editor to edit my changelog xml file I get the following validation error:
Am I correct and if so can we fix the xsd?
It does sound like the $ doesn’t need to be escaped. I removed the \ before the $ in the 2.0.xsd and 3.0.xsd locally. The change will be in the next release. Let me know if anyone sees a problem with
<xsd:pattern value="${[\w.]+}"/>
I just stumbled on the same problem. While registering the schema in Jdevelopper it did not pass validation.
I also found the “proof” that your correction is valid:
http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0/#regexAppendix under the title “D regular Expressions” mentions
If $ is not a metacharacter (unlike in Perl) then it does not need a backslash.For this reason, the expression language does not contain the metacharacters ^ and $, although ^ is used to express exception, e.g. [^0-9]x.
I still get the validation problem when I use XMLSpy to validate against