JSON Changelog File: Include Problem


Liquibase Community 4.17.2 #5255 on Windows

This is either a doc bug or a product bug. Not sure which.

I’m following the JSON example from this documentation page.

Whichever file is the last in the list is the only one run.
The JSON is aberrant (trying to set the same property multiple times) and the include should probably be an array or list. But Liquibase threw errors for the variations I guessed at.

This file is a copy-paste of the documentation with the filenames changed.

    "databaseChangeLog": [
            "include": {"file": "cl2.mssql.sql"},
            "include": {"file": "cl1.mssql.sql"}

And two SQL files

-- liquibase formatted sql
--changeset xxxxx:1

IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[tab1]', 'U') IS NULL
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tab1]
        [col1]         NVARCHAR(120)     NOT NULL


-- liquibase formatted sql
--changeset xxxxx:1

IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[tab2]', 'U') IS NULL
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tab2]
        [col1]         NVARCHAR(120)     NOT NULL
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Also running into this issue. Thought I was doing something wrong even when copying the exact JSON example from the docs. It seems my only way of being able to test running multiple changelogs is using the includeAll tag and putting the changes under the single directory.