Liquibase Contexts is not working

I am trying to execute insert script only contexts=QA using below command
liquibase --contexts=QA update

But it is executing all the changesets on the databasechangelog. How to fix this.

The code is below.

–liquibase formatted sql
–changeset bob:1 contextFilter:test
insert into news (id, title) values (1, ‘Liquibase 0.1 Released’)

–changeset bob:2
insert into news (id, title) values (2, ‘Liquibase 0.2 Released’)

–changeset bob:3 contextFilter:test
insert into news (id, title) values (3, ‘Liquibase 0.3 Released’)

–changeset bob:4
insert into news (id, title) values (4, ‘Liquibase 0.4 Released’)

–changeset bob:5 contextFilter:QA
insert into news (id, title) values (5, ‘Liquibase 0.5 Released’)

I observed the same behavior. It seems to impact mainly using context filters in SQL

EDIT: I figured it out. I think they changed “context” to “contextFilter” recently. The older version uses “context”. I was able to get contexts working in my SQL scripts using “context”:

–changeset xvc:1 context:text
–comment: Using context with sql scripts
select ‘test’

I use Liquibase 4.14