Liquibase Create View in Schema - Issue

I’m using liquibase 3.5.3.

I have a multi-tenant (Postgres, not sure that matters) environment where each tenant gets a schema created for them when they sign up.

When a user registers, I create a schema and run liquibase on that schema.  To do this, I do not specify the schema in the XML file.  I use:

<changeSet author=“xxyyzz (generated)” id=“148150949234281-2”>
<createView replaceIfExists=“true”
(YEAR FROM happened) AS “year”,
(MONTH FROM happened) “month”,
(DAY FROM happened) AS “day”,
FROM feeding

Here is the SQL that is generated:

CREATE VIEW gud3ae2668f77344e2b73f55c317811d94.v_feeding AS SELECT
(YEAR FROM happened) AS “year”,
(MONTH FROM happened) “month”,
(DAY FROM happened) AS “day”,
FROM feeding

The issue here (I’m pretty sure) is that I get an error that “feeding” does not exist, but it does exist in the schema ‘gud3ae2668f77344e2b73f55c317811d94’.  I think that since my connection is set to use the schema ‘PUBLIC’ I get that error.  Liquibase seems to add the schema name as a qualifier to the statement when programmatically setting the schema rather than switching the underlying connection’s schema.

What can I do to make this work?  I would like to use this method since it means I can run the Liquibase job as soon as the schema is provisioned, rather than scheduling a job or something.

Hey - did you get solve this? I’m having the same issue with the createView using adding the wrong schema to the sql in the view.

In our environment we always connect to the postgres using the schema, not public, so this is not an issue.

I’m not a postgres expert, but I think this is due to how the search_path is set on your database or role.