I’m new to liquibase and i try to get it working ;-).
I have a environment where developer can choose between derby (javadb) and postgreSQL. The deployment server runs on postgreSQL. Our App uses JPA/Hibernate with envers for auditing.
What is did first was:
- Generated the db.changelog from existing postgreSQL database.
That worked and i got a xml file with all the tables. Here a example:
But when i tried to setup a derby db, i got the problems with int8, when i generate from Derby, i get BIGINT.
I was thinking, that the generated XML File should be “database independent”? Did i make a error with generating the xml file?
- set CLASSPATH=%HOMEPATH%.m2 epositoryorgglassfishextrasglassfish-embedded-all3.0glassfish-embedded-all-3.0.jar;%HOMEPATH%postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc4.jar
- if "%LIQUIBASE_HOME%"=="" set LIQUIBASE_HOME=C:programmejavaliquibase-2.0.1
- if not exist "%LIQUIBASE_HOME%" echo LIQUIBASE_HOME not defind && goto end
- set CHANGELOGFILE=c: empinit.db.aud.changelog.xml
- echo Write to %CHANGELOGFILE%
- %LIQUIBASE_HOME%liquibase --classpath "%CLASSPATH%" --driver=org.postgresql.Driver --defaultSchemaName=fzk --changeLogFile=%CHANGELOGFILE% --url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/fzkdb" --username=fzkuser --password=fzkpwd generateChangeLog
- :end
Any idea what i did wrong?
Thanks a lot