Maven plugin: can't use `-D` flags anymore?

I am migrating a CI job that uses the Liquibase Maven plugin 3.7 to a more recent version. However, this fails with

Liquibase Community detected and ignored the following environment variables:


The Maven invocation looks like this

mvn org.liquibase:liquibase-maven-plugin:$LIQUIBASE_VERSION:update \
  -Dliquibase.changeLogFile="$db_changelog" \
  -Dliquibase.changeLogDirectory="$resources_folder" \
  -Dliquibase.driver=org.postgresql.Driver \
  -Dliquibase.url="jdbc:postgresql://postgres/$POSTGRES_DB" \
  -Dliquibase.username="$POSTGRES_USER" \
  -Dliquibase.password="$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" \

I didn’t find any mention of this behavior in this forum, the GitHub issues list, or Stack Overflow. Looks like it has something to do with what was introduced with v4.4.

Does this effectively mean that the variables documented at Maven update can’t be set through -D flags anymore?

Or…is Liquibase simply telling me that it found env variables starting with LIQUIBASE_ (that I defined for the CI pipeline) and that it’ll ignore them? Regardless of whether I actually intended to use them. I didn’t; that’s what the -D flags passed to the Maven plugin are for.

Or…is Liquibase simply telling me that it found env variables starting with LIQUIBASE_ (that I defined for the CI pipeline) and that it’ll ignore them?

Yes, indeed that seems to be the case. Looks like a FYI that Liquibase is giving me.

The actual reason why it failed is this