Oracle Liquibase checks

Liquibase is not running the OracleReservedKeywords quality checks even though enabled. Liquibase version 4.17.2

Snapshot of output from Liquibase checks show command

| OracleReservedKeywords          | changelog  | false   | 0        | OBJECT_TYPES = null            | Disallow Oracle reserved       |
|                                 |            |         |          | ALLOWED_LIST = null            | keywords from being used in    |
|                                 |            |         |          | CASE_SENSITIVE = true          | database object names. See     |
|                                 |            |         |          |                                | |
|                                 |            |         |          |                                | 306_01/em.102/b40103/app_oracl |
|                                 |            |         |          |                                | e_reserved_words.htm for       |
|                                 |            |         |          |                                | complete list of keywords.     |
| OracleReservedKeywordsKP        | changelog  | true    | 1        | OBJECT_TYPES = TABLE, COLUMN,  | Disallow Oracle reserved       |
|                                 |            |         |          | SEQUENCE, INDEX, SCHEMA        | keywords from being used in    |
|                                 |            |         |          | ALLOWED_LIST = null            | database object names. See     |
|                                 |            |         |          | CASE_SENSITIVE = true          | |
|                                 |            |         |          |                                | 306_01/em.102/b40103/app_oracl |
|                                 |            |         |          |                                | e_reserved_words.htm for       |
|                                 |            |         |          |                                | complete list of keywords.     |

Logs from “checks run” does not include the custom OracleReservedKeywordsKP quality check

00:00:54.608  Checks run against each changeset:
00:00:54.608    Changesets Must Have a Context Assigned (Short names: ChangesetContextCheck)
00:00:54.608    Warn on Detection of 'GRANT' Statements (Short names: SqlGrantWarn)
00:00:54.608    Warn on Detection of 'REVOKE' Statements (Short names: SqlRevokeWarn)
00:00:54.608    Warn on Detection of grant that contains 'WITH ADMIN OPTION' (Short names: SqlGrantAdminWarn)
00:00:54.608    Warn on Detection of grant that contains 'WITH GRANT OPTION' (Short names: SqlGrantOptionWarn)
00:00:54.608    Warn when 'DROP COLUMN' detected (Short names: ChangeDropColumnWarn)
00:00:54.608    Warn when 'DROP TABLE' detected (Short names: ChangeDropTableWarn)
00:00:54.608    Warn when 'MODIFY <column>' detected (Short names: ModifyDataTypeWarn)
00:00:54.608    Warn when 'TRUNCATE TABLE' detected (Short names: ChangeTruncateTableWarn)
00:00:54.608  Changelogs Checks Skipped Due to unsupported changeset type for this check:
00:00:54.608    Require primary key when creating table (Short names: PrimaryKeyOnCreateTable) skipped for: