Hi Nathan, do you have any thoughts about adding something like relativeToChangelogFile to the loadData tasks? I’m thinking about this because I have multiple databases controlled via Liquibase from a single directory structure, and I’m now writing a single Ant build.xml file to control them all. The hierarchy is like this:
database_management/db1/master.xml # master changeLogFile
database_management/db1/versionX/changes.xml # included by master.xml
database_management/db1/versionX/changeLogFile1.xml # included by changes.xml
database_management/db2/master.xml # and so on
Since I’m running Ant from the top level directory, the loadData changeSets have to fully specify “db1/data/some.csv”, whereas when run from inside of the db1 directory I can say “data/some.csv”. This is a relatively minor thing, just wondering if it would be a reasonable feature to support.
Update: seems like would also benefit from this.