I am trying to rollback a change using SQL changeset.
C:\Liquibase\changelogs>liquibase --defaultsFile=“C:\Liquibase\liquibase-4.23.2\liquibase.properties” --changelog-file=“change_master.xml” rollback-count-sql --count=1
[2023-09-27 00:27:34] SEVERE [liquibase.integration] Validation Failed:
1 changesets check sum
changelog_00004_setup_tab4.xml::01_tab4_seq::biraja was: 9:215b343f9072b9c27466113a28fff332 but is now: 9:35f147d415d8938a4ddc08a9463b2287
liquibase.exception.CommandExecutionException: liquibase.exception.ValidationFailedException: Validation Failed:
My changeset looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><changeSet author="biraja" id="01_tab4_seq">
<sqlFile dbms="oracle"
My tab4_seq.sql looks like this:
–liquibase formatted sql
–changeset nvoxland:id_41 dbms:oracle endDelimiter=“;” relativeToChangelogFile=“true” splitStatements=“true” stripComments=“false”
create table tab4 (
id int primary key,
name varchar(255)
–rollback drop table tab4;
–changeset nvoxland:id_42 dbms:oracle endDelimiter=“;” relativeToChangelogFile=“true” splitStatements=“true” stripComments=“false”
create sequence seq_tab4;
I made a mistake of missing to put “–rollback drop sequence seq_tab4;”
Is there a way I can add it now and try to rollback?
I tried two workarounds:
To set md5sum to null in DATABASECHANGELOG for the changeset entry, did not work. Tried to add validCheckSum9:35f147d415d8938a4ddc08a9463b2287validCheckSum (edited for this post), none of them worked , getting a new error now “liquibase.exception.RollbackFailedException: liquibase.exception.RollbackImpossibleException: No inverse to liquibase.change.core.SQLFileChange created”
Is there a way I can add it now and try to rollback?