Rollback does not work

Hello! I want to have the ability to rollback to the previous version of database objects (for ex PostgreSQL function)
But it doesn’t work. Where is my mistake?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  

<changeSet id="10" author="bob"> 
	create or replace function myfunc() returns void as 'begin raise info ''version_10''; return;end;' language plpgsql;

<changeSet id="11" author="bob">  
	create or replace function myfunc() returns void as 'begin raise info ''version_11''; return;end;' language plpgsql;
    <rollback changeSetId="10" changeSetAuthor="bob"/> 


Hi @msoracle

What error do you get when you execute this changeset?

There is no error, but the rollback section is not executed.
rollback-count-sql 1 does not show SQL for previous version, only shows SQL for deleting from databasechangelog
and I see in the database version _11, not version_10 after liquibase rollback-count 1

I have the same scenario in my Liquibase test files. There are a couple of differences in mine though:

  1. Oracle, not postgres.
  2. I have “endDelimiter” set in each changeset.

My rollback scenario works as expected, rolling-back the stored procedure to prior version.

Create the test_proc stored procedure create or replace procedure test_proc is v_dummy1 date; v_dummy2 date; begin --This is select 1 select sysdate into v_dummy1 from dual; --This is select 2 select sysdate-1 into v_dummy2 from dual; end test_proc; / Create v2 of the test_proc stored procedure create or replace procedure test_proc is v_dummy1 date; v_dummy2 date; begin --This is select 1 select sysdate into v_dummy1 from dual; --This is select 2 select sysdate-1 into v_dummy2 from dual; --This is select 3 select sysdate-2 into v_dummy2 from dual; end test_proc; /

Great! You gave me an idea, I added splitStatements="false" and it worked as expected!
Thank you!

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