Hello all, could someone help me with my questions below?
What is the simple and best way to handle rollbacks for DDL, DML & stored procedure changes for MS SQL server?
What happens if a same stored procedure is altered by multiple developers on the same release?
Is there a limit on number of targets we can deploy to on open source community edition?
Thank you!
- It depends. What file format are you using?
For DDL: If using xml, json, yaml, then Liquibase will auto-rollback most DDL. If using sql, then you need to code the rollback sql statement(s).
For stored procedures: You can rollback to a prior changeset, which would be the prior version of the code, or you can code the rollback sql statement.
For DML: you will need to code the rollback sql statement(s).
I’d suggest there should only be 1 deployment of a stored procedure per release. The code should be merged prior to the Liquibase deployment.
There is no limit to the number of targets in the community edition.
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@daryldoak but stored procedure is SQL format does not allow autorollback to previous change set right?
Are you talking about XML/JSON/YAML fromat?
To make sure we are on the same page, auto-rollback refers to Liquibase knowing how to rollback a change-type automatically, without you providing the rollback sql.
sql format (and custom sql in xml, yaml, and json) does not have auto-rollback at all. And not all change-types in xml, yaml, and json support auto-rollback.
It is possible to rollback to a prior changeset in sql format. It was add in v4.16.0.
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