Include the Liquibase XSDs for the given version of the Liquibase distribution in the distribution itself so they are available when Liquibase is used in an air-gapped / offline system. Example:
I’d love to have some kind of a noDuplicatedRows preCondition to make sure there are no duplicates in the table before executing addUniqueConstraint change, e.g.
Hello, here are a few things I would like to see, in no particular order.
I know some of them already started.
Offer a TCK for Liquibase plugin authors
Allow plugins to define alias for change set elements (e.g. the “SQL” element is a bit awkward to use when working with non-relational databases) - EDIT: actually solved now!
Expose a way to run parameterized statements in the core APIs. The only option today is to do string interpolation with RawSqlStatement which completely circumvents the query cache (at least for Neo4j).
I also hope Liquibase Data will take off in 2022! Such a great project!
Hi @texpilot , thanks for the suggestion. The XSDs are located in the liquibase.jar file. If you unzip the jar file, you should see a directory called
@rakhi - this is a great idea. We’ve had people ask about this in the past. I’d like to hear a little more about your specific use-cases. Could you share that?
I definitely agree that a clear explanation and examples would be useful for this feature. Is there anything else you’d like to see - like troubleshooting, tips and tricks, videos etc?
Hey @ktaggart - this is interesting - what feature are you thinking about here? Is this about adding more tests, simplifying the ability to add tests, or something else?