I am trying to test the rollback feature with formatted SQL. I am getting this error,
Liquibase Update Failed: rollbackSQL requires a rollback tag
Naturally, this being SQL, I do not have rollback tag, though, I do have rollback specfied (as suggested in the docs) as,
–rollback drop table my_table;
Would appreciate some advice.
The rollback definition should look like this:
–changeset nvoxland:1
create table test1 (
id int not null primary key,
name varchar(255)
delete from test1;
Hello, thanks for the reply.
I tried what you suggested. But If I put the rollback statement on it’s own (like you suggested), it’s being executed along with the main SQL.
So, If I had a file like this,
–liquibase formatted sql
–changeset change:1
create table table_1 (
id int primary key,
name varchar(255)
drop table table_1;
–changeset change:2
insert into table_1(id, name) values (1, ‘name 1’);
insert into table_1(id, name) values (2, ‘name 2’);
delete from table_1 where id = 1;
delete from table_1 where id = 2;
The first changeset & rollback are executing one after the other and the change:2 set fails, as the previous rollback has dropped the table already.
Is my syntax wrong some where or am I missing a piece of config somewhere ?
Could you run with logLevel=debug and send the output?