i want to inform you about a bug, which i found in version 4.25.0 (older versions also affected) and hibernate6:
If you have a Entity and index a column which does not exist (or you typed it wrong) the diff changelog fails without error.
@Table(name = "users", indexes = {
@Index(name = "username_index", columnList = "NOTEXISTINGCOLUMN"),
public class UserEntity { ... }
[INFO] Diff command completed
[INFO] BEST PRACTICE: The changelog generated by diffChangeLog/generateChangeLog should be inspected for correctness and completeness before being deployed. Some database objects and their dependencies cannot be represented automatically, and they may need to be manually updated before being deployed.
[WARNING] Diff changelog command failed
[INFO] Command execution complete
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The diff will not be created, but you don’t know why. Please throw a exception with a meaningful error message for this error, so the users do not have to search for the problem as long as i had to
//I also created a issue here:
[V4.25.0] Diff changelog command fails without error when indexed column not existing · Issue #5346 · liquibase/liquibase (github.com)