SQL Server appears to constrain certain operations from being called within a user transaction. As a result, the following changeSet will not run from Liquibase:
<!-- TODO: Note this can't be called in a user transaction - must be called from command line! -->
<sql> CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON freesearch ( value Language 0X0 ) KEY INDEX
idx_freesearch_searchid ON ms_ft WITH CHANGE_TRACKING AUTO </sql>
This will throw the following error:
- liquibase.exception.MigrationFailedException: Migration failed for change set C:/Workspace/CME-Dev/src/repository/schema/install/ind/freesearch.xml::BA19D99D-CD58-AECF-BE39-9C85C063831A::Alterian:
Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Error executing SQL CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON freesearch ( value Language 0X0 ) KEY INDEX
idx_freesearch_searchid ON ms_ft WITH CHANGE_TRACKING AUTO:
Caused By: Error executing SQL CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON freesearch ( value Language 0X0 ) KEY INDEX
idx_freesearch_searchid ON ms_ft WITH CHANGE_TRACKING AUTO:
Caused By: CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX statement cannot be used inside a user transaction.
at liquibase.changelog.ChangeSet.execute(ChangeSet.java:286)
at liquibase.changelog.visitor.UpdateVisitor.visit(UpdateVisitor.java:27)
at liquibase.changelog.ChangeLogIterator.run(ChangeLogIterator.java:39)
at liquibase.Liquibase.update(Liquibase.java:109)
at liquibase.integration.ant.DatabaseUpdateTask.execute(DatabaseUpdateTask.java:45)
Is there anyway that Liquibase could support a mechanism to allow such SQL to be run outside of a transaction? I will have to distribute a standalone Java app to create this index otherwise (or give users access to SQL Server’s sqlcmd tool).