I am using mssql 2017 and liquibase 4.26.0 and I’m having a challenge with non-clustered indexes.
A t-sql file i have contains this
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_TGroup_CRMContactId ON [dbo].[TGroup] ([CRMContactId]) INCLUDE ([GroupId])
I deploy the t-sql to a reference database using an includeAll and sqlcmd, which creates it correctly.
But when I diff-changelog between 2 databases the following changeset is produced, i.e. without the INCLUDE column.
- changeSet:
id: 1713178532602-12
author: ralexander
- createIndex:
- column:
name: CRMContactId
indexName: IX_TGroup_CRMContactId
tableName: TGroup
Does anyone know how I can resolve this