I am trying to connect to RDS postgres from liquibase. Maven dependency is :
I am not using properties file as the credentials are confidential and I cannot put them in properties file. hence calling using command line
-liquibase --url:jdbc:postgressql://xxxx.rds.amazonaws.com:5432/database_name --username = $username --password = $password --changeLogFile=changelog_aurora.xml update
Also tried :
-liquibase --url:jdbc:postgressql://xxxx.rds.amazonaws.com:5432/database_name --username = $username --password = $password --changeLogFile=changelog_aurora.xml --driver=org.postgressql.Driver update
I am getting below error:
Unexpected error running liquibase: java.lang.RuntimeException:Cannot find database driver: org.postgres.Driver
Please help me here. Do i need to install postgres dependency as well? If so what should be the version? should it match with AWS RDS postgres?