Changeset executing twice when we do update from one version to another version

Recently we changed the liquibase library to 3.5 from 3.0
Afterwards on ward fresh instalation working fine.
while updating one version to another version already executed changeset in the databasechangelog entry again executing. and failing with unique key constraint.

Error log: SEVERE 3/4/23 6:48 PM: liquibase: stripPath: stripPath::tracking 3.0.0_to_3.1.0.sql::core: Change Set stripPath::tracking 3.0.0_to_3.1.0.sql::core failed. Error: ORA-00001: unique constraint (AIMSTAR33.PK_LIST_CONFIGS) violated
i am updating the tracking 3.4.0 to tracking 3.5.0 .
in 3.4.0 updated the liquibase libary 3.5 from 3.0.
tracking 3.0.0_to_3.1.0.sql has MD5 cheksum generated in the databasechangelog long back,
now upgrading the tracking 3.4.0 to tracking 3.5.0.
we are getting above error.

Could you please help me how to resolve this isse.

Can you provide the entire changeset. I’m assuming this is going to be related to how the filename field is stored in the databasechangelog table.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<changeSet id="create_audit_sequence.sql" author="core">

    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_audit_sequence.sql"/>


<changeSet id="create_session_package.sql" author="core">

    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_session_package.sql"/>


<changeSet id="create_tables.sql" author="core">

    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_tables.sql"/>


<changeSet id="create_package.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">

	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_package.sql"/>


<changeSet id="create_views.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">

	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_views.sql"/>


<changeSet id="create_audit_tables.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">

	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_audit_tables.sql"/>


<changeSet id="create_triggers.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">

	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_triggers.sql"/>


<changeSet id="create_rule_triggers.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">

	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/"  stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_rule_triggers.sql"/>


<changeSet id="create_view_after_audit.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">

	<sqlFile splitStatements="true"  stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_view_after_audit.sql"/>


<changeSet id="insert_base_configs.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">

	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/insert_base_configs.sql"/>

<changeSet id="create_analysis_2.x_tables.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">

<sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_analysis_2.x_tables.sql"/>


<changeSet id="afd_trigger.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">

	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/afd_trigger.sql"/>


<changeSet id="ocf_create_tables.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">

	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/ocf-schema/ocf_create_tables.sql" />


<changeSet id="ocf_create_audit_tables.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">

	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/ocf-schema/ocf_create_audit_tables.sql"/>


 <changeSet id="ocf_seed_data.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">

	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = ";" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/ocf-schema/ocf_seed_data.sql"/>


<changeSet id="insert_base_configs_2.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">

	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/insert_base_configs_2.sql"/>

 <changeSet id="create_tables2.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">

	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_tables2.sql"/>


<changeSet id="create_package2.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">

	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_package2.sql"/>


<changeSet id="create_audit_tables2.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">

	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_audit_tables2.sql"/>


<changeSet id="test_transfer_visit" author="core" runOnChange="true">
	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/insert_test_transfer_visit.sql"/>
 	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter="/" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/function_display_visit_sequence.sql"/>
 	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/modify_views_for_test_transfer.sql"/>

<changeSet id="update_db_schema_2.5.sql" author="core">
	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_db_schema_2.5.sql"/>

 <changeSet id="modified_search_images_view.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/modified_search_images_view.sql"/>

<changeSet id="patch.2_5" author="core" runOnChange="true">

	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_dirtysubject_sequence.sql"/>
	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/exec_dirtysubject_sequence.sql"/>
	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_rule_triggers.sql"/>


<changeSet id="create_case_indexes.sql" author="core">
		<sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_case_indexes.sql"/>
<changeSet id="create_case_indexes2.sql" author="core">
		<sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_case_indexes2.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_get_case_rules_function.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_get_review_periods.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_composite_casevisit_view.sql"/>


<changeSet id="update_db_schema_2.6.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_db_schema_2.6.sql"/>

<changeSet id="audit_tables_check.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/audit_tables_check.sql"/>

<changeSet id="update_base_configs_visit_types.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_base_configs_visit_types.sql"/>

<changeSet id="update_rpt_overdue_visits_2.7.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_rpt_overdue_visits.sql"/>

<changeSet id="create_unique_visit_index.sql" author="core">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_unique_visit_index.sql"/>

<changeSet id="update_db_schema_2.7.0.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_db_schema_2.7.0.sql"/>

<changeSet id="update_db_schema_2.8.0.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_db_schema_2.8.0.sql"/>

<changeSet id="update_db_schema.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_db_schema.sql"/>

<changeSet id="update_search_fields_lables.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_search_fields_lables.sql"/>

<changeSet id="insert_base_configs_4.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/insert_base_configs_4.sql"/>

<changeSet id="create_tables3.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
     <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_tables3.sql"/>

<changeSet id="create_audit_tables3.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
   <sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_audit_tables3.sql"/>

<changeSet id="update_view rpt_queries.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_view_rpt_queries.sql"/>

<changeSet id="update_search_communication_views.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_search_communication_views.sql"/>

<changeSet id="insert_base_configs_5.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/insert_base_configs_5.sql"/>

<changeSet id="queries_indexes.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/queries_indexes.sql"/>

<changeSet id="case_indexes.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/case_indexes.sql"/>

<changeSet id="create_tables_query_viewed.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_tables_query_viewed.sql"/>

<changeSet id="faxes_index_query_history_recid.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_index_faxes_query_history_recid.sql"/>

<changeSet id="create_index_notes_query_recid.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_index_notes_query_recid.sql"/>
<changeSet id="communication_queued_indexes.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/communication_queued_indexes.sql"/>

<changeSet id="Create_Search_Queries_View_3.0.0.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/Create_Search_Queries_View_3.0.0.sql"/>

<changeSet id="create_function_get_query_readby_users.sql" author="core">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_function_get_query_readby_users.sql"/>

<changeSet id="create_rpt_queries_3.0.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_rpt_queries_3.0.sql"/>

<changeSet id="create_table_Portal_User_Site_Mapping.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_table_Portal_User_Site_Mapping.sql"/>

<changeSet id="create_query_view_audit_table.sql" author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" endDelimiter = "/" stripComments="true" path ="@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_query_view_audit_table.sql"/>
<changeSet id= "tracking 3.0.0_to_3.1.0.sql"    author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/insert_unknown_visit.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/insert_other_modality_series.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter="/" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_get_query_from_string_function.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter="/" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_function_get_query_readby_users_3.1.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_rpt_queries_3.1.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_db_schema.sql"/>

<changeSet id= "tracking 3.1.0_to_3.1.3.sql"    author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/trk_ddl_indexes.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter="/" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/afd_trigger2.sql"/>
     <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_db_schema.sql"/>

<changeSet id= "tracking 3.1.3_to_3.2.0.sql"    author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter="/" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/add_visit_columns.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter=";" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/composite_view_01.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/insert_base_configs_6.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter="/" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/alter_contacts.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter="/" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/add_query_columns.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_db_schema.sql"/>
	<sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/alter_seacrh_fields.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/create_search_contacts_view.sql"/>

<changeSet id= "tracking 3.2.0_to_3.2.1.sql"    author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter="/" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/alter_visit_columns.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter=";" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/alter_base_configs.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter="/" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/alter_contacts_2.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter="/" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/add_recipient_column.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter=";" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/alter_search_contacts_view.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter=";" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_composite_visits_view.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_db_schema.sql"/>

<changeSet id= "tracking 3.2.1_to_3.3.0.sql"    author="core" runOnChange="true">
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter="/" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/alter_queries.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter=";" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/alter_rpt_queries_view.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter="/" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/alter_erd.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" endDelimiter="/" path="@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_erd_view.sql"/>
    <sqlFile splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path = "@@path@@/imaging-schema/update_db_schema.sql"/>

Databasechangelog table :slight_smile:

tracking 3.4.1_to_3.4.2.sql core stripPath 02-04-23 10:29:27.342000000 AM 61 EXECUTED 7:90486c0b3f292a52b9c782b32a5b1e4d sqlFile 3.5.0 0411548334
tracking 3.4.0_to_3.4.1.sql core stripPath 02-04-23 10:29:27.330000000 AM 60 EXECUTED 7:d9c6db071a7ba233fdaf3103f1840cbc sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile 3.5.0 0411548334
tracking core stripPath 02-04-23 10:29:15.638000000 AM 59 EXECUTED 7:402662513ae6b8cb9e4cd4cf81812e9d sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile 3.5.0 0411548334
tracking 3.3.0_to_3.3.1.sql core stripPath 02-04-23 10:29:15.503000000 AM 58 EXECUTED 7:a840c5066e5dc567b4e98d66358977be sqlFile; sqlFile 3.5.0 0411548334
tracking 3.2.1_to_3.3.0.sql core stripPath 02-04-23 10:29:15.468000000 AM 57 EXECUTED 7:173ca84f8da899648f13b70586164817 sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile 3.5.0 0411548334
tracking 3.2.0_to_3.2.1.sql core stripPath 02-04-23 10:29:15.226000000 AM 56 EXECUTED 7:69d5ce405aa34b35202ab82a4c5a725f sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile 3.5.0 0411548334
tracking 3.1.3_to_3.2.0.sql core stripPath 02-04-23 10:29:14.769000000 AM 55 EXECUTED 7:3022669d653e75bf175b2d020d20e888 sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile 3.5.0 0411548334
tracking 3.1.0_to_3.1.3.sql core stripPath 02-04-23 10:29:14.183000000 AM 54 EXECUTED 7:4e3d505b2dad13a4df464b9340cf5e2a sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile 3.5.0 0411548334
tracking 3.0.0_to_3.1.0.sql core stripPath 02-04-23 10:29:14.120000000 AM 53 EXECUTED 7:bfb55e598a3084706912e75aae0fc978 sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile; sqlFile 3.5.0 0411548334

older version liquibase entries in the database changelog.(liquibase3.0)

tracking core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:16.898000000 PM 59 EXECUTED 7:402662513ae6b8cb9e4cd4cf81812e9d The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
tracking 3.3.0_to_3.3.1.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:16.704000000 PM 58 EXECUTED 7:a840c5066e5dc567b4e98d66358977be The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
tracking 3.2.1_to_3.3.0.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:16.666000000 PM 57 EXECUTED 7:173ca84f8da899648f13b70586164817 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
tracking 3.2.0_to_3.2.1.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:16.455000000 PM 56 EXECUTED 7:69d5ce405aa34b35202ab82a4c5a725f The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
tracking 3.1.3_to_3.2.0.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:16.016000000 PM 55 EXECUTED 7:3022669d653e75bf175b2d020d20e888 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
tracking 3.1.0_to_3.1.3.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:15.270000000 PM 54 EXECUTED 7:4e3d505b2dad13a4df464b9340cf5e2a The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
tracking 3.0.0_to_3.1.0.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:15.129000000 PM 53 EXECUTED 7:bfb55e598a3084706912e75aae0fc978 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_query_view_audit_table.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:15.062000000 PM 52 EXECUTED 7:083f42594e8ba3ab03465cf82cee0d22 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_table_Portal_User_Site_Mapping.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.999000000 PM 51 EXECUTED 7:600187daffce140f33348308dda79c57 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_rpt_queries_3.0.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.982000000 PM 50 EXECUTED 7:ac8a40131a73ee04c73181d1724e7975 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_function_get_query_readby_users.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.961000000 PM 49 EXECUTED 7:301c42d3c1144da8b80e60874226a9de The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
Create_Search_Queries_View_3.0.0.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.946000000 PM 48 EXECUTED 7:e17f2b6490989ece99c29441c8dcf4f0 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
communication_queued_indexes.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.885000000 PM 47 EXECUTED 7:4486bce4798564da115fb1ae0c0f8a54 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_index_notes_query_recid.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.875000000 PM 46 EXECUTED 7:fcf9a45bc633d4940dacd6489f55e6d1 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
faxes_index_query_history_recid.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.846000000 PM 45 EXECUTED 7:052fc5540cceb9daad8821b2b14a7d02 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_tables_query_viewed.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.838000000 PM 44 EXECUTED 7:f15bf68841b141f9056412a9c6279b1d The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
case_indexes.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.776000000 PM 43 EXECUTED 7:d532eb7d002d05ed304230384baeeafa The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
queries_indexes.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.742000000 PM 42 EXECUTED 7:e1059d2c5595443af909b84aab640ab2 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
insert_base_configs_5.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.708000000 PM 41 EXECUTED 7:dae0dd0a8ec61913564ed6bdbc674a83 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
update_search_communication_views.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.700000000 PM 40 EXECUTED 7:e41697e5814663aa76c6d872de36fcb0 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
update_view rpt_queries.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.631000000 PM 39 EXECUTED 7:7003680bd210028831b5b5cb7805a13a The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_audit_tables3.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.613000000 PM 38 EXECUTED 7:8368185e5d49bda8c7cb583d303114d8 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_tables3.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.561000000 PM 37 EXECUTED 7:86c66590a88dba4df6114d7bfee87a49 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
insert_base_configs_4.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.486000000 PM 36 EXECUTED 7:5a7f4f71392aad7506786b2099f02a97 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
update_search_fields_lables.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.477000000 PM 35 EXECUTED 7:c0d488a9dc2c224ac414ebc581978802 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
update_db_schema.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.453000000 PM 34 EXECUTED 7:90486c0b3f292a52b9c782b32a5b1e4d The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
update_db_schema_2.8.0.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.448000000 PM 33 EXECUTED 7:e8cafd344254fead08b9ed1fd714a19e The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
update_db_schema_2.7.0.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.441000000 PM 32 EXECUTED 7:5bc33b93a50ad73225be9aa1ca5a7af7 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_unique_visit_index.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.435000000 PM 31 EXECUTED 7:1c5a0d70fe847be8510247b1b99ece3a The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
update_rpt_overdue_visits_2.7.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.421000000 PM 30 EXECUTED 7:2e92da5c67f79d7db85bf1d3d4abaef4 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
update_base_configs_visit_types.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.366000000 PM 29 EXECUTED 7:3fd3d087d0e5a8af221cea3786ad8c45 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
audit_tables_check.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.355000000 PM 28 EXECUTED 7:02e43cb39f71270783a1e2dd20d4141d The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
update_db_schema_2.6.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.320000000 PM 27 EXECUTED 7:4654167c8414827ee49d512c65b88fb7 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
composite_casevisit core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.313000000 PM 26 EXECUTED 7:ca3eeca7fbe1e1c908e4e1998d675eca The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_case_indexes2.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.237000000 PM 25 EXECUTED 7:3eb8e86ad00f9fca765c2c7c9ae331b4 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_case_indexes.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.203000000 PM 24 EXECUTED 7:04ce7aec592a6b2bdf37e456a9f32ab7 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
patch.2_5 core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:14.156000000 PM 23 EXECUTED 7:3c8ff6dae603aa3433af4af02589c71e The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
modified_search_images_view.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:13.992000000 PM 22 EXECUTED 7:8152aa14185e29e5c272a9c7707917a6 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
update_db_schema_2.5.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:13.973000000 PM 21 EXECUTED 7:f5426f8b84e095a22aaabe1affb5294b The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
test_transfer_visit core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:13.965000000 PM 20 EXECUTED 7:70723bd85c8991c26202ea4e38717f5b The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_audit_tables2.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:13.865000000 PM 19 EXECUTED 7:947673229b868ae6e00784be0b82e323 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_package2.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:13.761000000 PM 18 EXECUTED 7:2fe42e6a96b5319c75f523d0e4659150 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_tables2.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:13.751000000 PM 17 EXECUTED 7:cab5878344e935fe6e8cfccea6e77689 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
insert_base_configs_2.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:13.730000000 PM 16 EXECUTED 7:dff31c10c3798aaec361770c9f2fb68b The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
ocf_seed_data.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:13.724000000 PM 15 EXECUTED 7:bf77e3c95f63a4829c93c51938159595 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
ocf_create_audit_tables.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:13.706000000 PM 14 EXECUTED 7:43c84959a821dd0a8f03b30c777b1e86 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
ocf_create_tables.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:13.498000000 PM 13 EXECUTED 7:9986ea2ff0cb9e4cb9238605e66cb495 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
afd_trigger.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:13.256000000 PM 12 EXECUTED 7:cbceb713916f00120e8696404c289885 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_analysis_2.x_tables.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:13.240000000 PM 11 EXECUTED 7:e38430983bd64579f3756862cbb9f5d7 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
insert_base_configs.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:12.976000000 PM 10 EXECUTED 7:70353804b8507e98aa5e87c72ddf2b78 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_view_after_audit.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:11.782000000 PM 9 EXECUTED 7:64e51e4392ccc873e1ab2ac3648a6076 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_rule_triggers.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:11.764000000 PM 8 EXECUTED 7:9a3be153167a4d7c77ed67488ead8353 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_triggers.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:11.673000000 PM 7 EXECUTED 7:e89068206f7351029cc5f67a80f97488 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_audit_tables.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:11.606000000 PM 6 EXECUTED 7:2da20301f1872880444e419d7f6ae4c7 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_views.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:09.637000000 PM 5 EXECUTED 7:9f3fee9a41e2cd9499cfdbd0cf36767f The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_package.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:09.283000000 PM 4 EXECUTED 7:e450a8db44542850861edb90692966a1 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_tables.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:09.016000000 PM 3 EXECUTED 7:e6cc673ef3b56ca0be13156085d02229 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_session_package.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:07.385000000 PM 2 EXECUTED 7:6a4e392531dee772e501c3137d1f9d7b The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…
create_audit_sequence.sql core stripPath 19-01-23 12:09:07.318000000 PM 1 EXECUTED 7:04f166edb785c78a38a86ef25c5d71c9 The ‘sqlFile’ tag allows you to specify any sql statements and have it stored external in a file. It is useful for complex changes that are not supported through LiquiBase’s automated refactoring tags such as stored procedures.

The sqlFile refact…

Well, looks like the ID, author, and filename fields match, so I’m not sure why it’s running them again.

Considering liquibase is now on 4.20.0, I’m not sure you are going to get much help with issues in 3.5.

I’d suggest updating to a more current version.

Thank you very much darryldoak.

After updating the liquibase.jar to 4.20.0we got following error:
18:38:04.809 [main] INFO modifyWarFiletracking - Deleting existing war file deployTemp/aimstar3.5.war
[zip] Building zip: C:\deploy\Tracking_local_deployment\v1_7_4_0\trackingDeployer\deployTemp\aimstar3.5.war
18:38:19.338 [main] INFO installer - appMgr:TomcatAppMgr - serverName: localhost; port: 9080; appName: aimstar3.5; outputFolder: deployTemp
18:38:19.338 [main] INFO installer - Deploying Database for Tracking …
18:38:19.453 [main] ERROR installer - Exception occurred deploying the database and the exception is org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
C:\deploy\Tracking_local_deployment\v1_7_4_0\trackingDeployer\deployDBtracking.groovy: 12: unable to resolve class liquibase.database.jvm.JdbcConnection
@ line 12, column 1.
import liquibase.database.jvm.JdbcConnection;

C:\deploy\Tracking_local_deployment\v1_7_4_0\trackingDeployer\deployDBtracking.groovy: 8: unable to resolve class liquibase.Liquibase
@ line 8, column 1.
import liquibase.Liquibase

C:\deploy\Tracking_local_deployment\v1_7_4_0\trackingDeployer\deployDBtracking.groovy: 11: unable to resolve class liquibase.database.DatabaseFactory
@ line 11, column 1.
import liquibase.database.DatabaseFactory;

C:\deploy\Tracking_local_deployment\v1_7_4_0\trackingDeployer\deployDBtracking.groovy: 10: unable to resolve class liquibase.database.Database
@ line 10, column 1.
import liquibase.database.Database;

C:\deploy\Tracking_local_deployment\v1_7_4_0\trackingDeployer\deployDBtracking.groovy: 13: unable to resolve class liquibase.resource.FileSystemResourceAccessor
@ line 13, column 1.
import liquibase.resource.FileSystemResourceAccessor;

C:\deploy\Tracking_local_deployment\v1_7_4_0\trackingDeployer\deployDBtracking.groovy: 17: unable to resolve class liquibase.exception.LiquibaseException
@ line 17, column 1.
import liquibase.exception.LiquibaseException

C:\deploy\Tracking_local_deployment\v1_7_4_0\trackingDeployer\deployDBtracking.groovy: 9: unable to resolve class liquibase.exception.DatabaseException
@ line 9, column 1.
import liquibase.exception.DatabaseException

7 errors

18:38:19.454 [main] INFO installer - Ignoring the above exception and continuing with WAR file deployment…

package liquibase.database.jvm.JdbcConnection has been after the liquibase_4.20.0.jar
Could you please provide me the liqueibase 3.0 tp liquibase 4.20.0.jar migration guide.
Could you plese provid eme the right package for JdbcConnection class.?