So i have been trying to implement Liquibase For our Work.
The use case is something like we have a sql file say employee.sql
–liquibase formatted sql
–changeset liquibase:create_table
–comment create table
Later once this sql is deployed we want to add a alter statement in the same file as a new changeset below
–liquibase formatted sql
–changeset liquibase:alter_table
–comment create table
Alter table employee add Column Address VARHAR(100);
So as per the documents i read the liquibase should the pick the new changeset and not the one that is already applied.
But what i saw is that liquibase is checking the checksum for the first changeset as well and as the checksum would be different it gives validation error.
So my end goal is to manage create and alter statements in a single file with each modification of the table going as a New Changeset in the same file and liquibase to apply those and not check the already deployed one