changeSet script bug

I have created an xml script with the only porpouse of initialize a Liquibase database. The script is the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

    CPLOG:ChangeLog tables Initialization

If I execute liquibase on a new database with the “update” parameter I find DATABASECHANGELOG table with 1 row and value 1 in field ORDEREXECUTED.

If I execute liquibase on a new database with the “updateSQL” parameter in the script generated i find:

INSERT INTO DATABASECHANGELOG (AUTHOR, COMMENTS, DATEEXECUTED, DESCRIPTION, EXECTYPE, FILENAME, ID, LIQUIBASE, MD5SUM, ORDEREXECUTED) VALUES (‘noalabs’, ‘CPLOG:ChangeLog tables Initialization’, SYSDATE, ‘Empty’, ‘EXECUTED’, ‘InitChangeLog.xml’, ‘databaseChangeLog.initialized’, ‘2.0-rc2-SNP’, ‘2:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e’, 2);

Where there is the value 2 instead of 1 in the ORDEREXECUTED field.

I’ll have to look into why (created 

It shouldn’t really matter.  The orderexecuted column just needs to be unique and incrementing per execution.  It is used as a second sort parameter after dateexecuted to better know when statements were ran.
