I know this seems counter to Liquibase goals, but does anyone know of a tool that can translate existing DDL to Liquibase changesets? The reason I am asking is related to internal processes on our project. We have a team of DBAs who will not generate liquibase files and the software team has selected Liquibase to manage the schema. Don’t ask about our office politics, it sucks 
Hi post,
You can apply it to a database and the use the diff tool with generateChangelog command.
You can also reference their sql files directly using the tag in a changeSet. You don’t get the cross-database support, but you do get the exact sql the DBAs wanted.
Liquibase 2.0 also supports formatted sql (http://blog.liquibase.org/2010/05/liquibase-formatted-sql.html) which would allow you them to mark up their sql scripts with some tags and get full liquibase support without the xml at all.