Does not work correctly with Netezza

Similar to someone who had a problem with ParAccel, liquibase does not work with Netezza and gives little indication of the reason why, Any suggestions would be appreciated.

 ./ --driver=org.netezza.Driver --classpath=nzjdbc.jar --changeLogFile=db.changelog.xml --url=“jdbc:netezza://LRCPPLGDB:5480/TEST” --username=etl --password=XXXXX --logLevel=debug generateChangeLog
Liquibase Home is not set.
Liquibase Home: /home/jhzds/lb
DEBUG 4/23/13 10:31 AM:liquibase: Unable to load/access Apache Derby driver class to check version
WARNING 4/23/13 10:31 AM:liquibase: Unknown database: Netezza NPS
DEBUG 4/23/13 10:31 AM:liquibase: Reading tables for unsupported Database …
INFO 4/23/13 10:31 AM:liquibase: Reading tables for unsupported Database …
Liquibase Update Failed: Unknown Reason
SEVERE 4/23/13 10:31 AM:liquibase: Unknown Reason
        at liquibase.database.AbstractDatabase.rollback(
        at liquibase.integration.commandline.Main.doMigration(
        at liquibase.integration.commandline.Main.main(