Export data to csv and update

Hello :slight_smile:

two questions:

1) I know that it is possible to load data from CSV files. But is it possible to export data to CSV ?
Something like this will generate insert change sets!

  1. liquibase.bat --defaultsFile=properties/liquibase.properties --changeLogFile=“output.xml” --diffTypes=“data” generateChangeLog
Also I didn’t find option to specify list of tables to be exported.

2) Is there are way to have such change set which is executed every time when update is done ?


1: Yes, it is possible to export data to a CSV ( with Liquibase ).

liquibase generate-changelog --diffTypes=data --dataOutputDirectory=dataonly --changelog-file=loadDataOnly_changelog.xml

This command creates a loadData change log XML file in the current directory. It alos exports all the data into CSV files into the subdirectory dataonly.

I am using a Postgres Database. My liquibase.properties file specifies the schema so it only exports the tables in one schema of the database.

It exports ALL data. It is not performing a difference comparison.

2: ‘executed every time …’
Liquibase does not provide a triggering mechanism ( that I know of ) to launch an update. Some databases provide triggers that can execute commands, so theoretically you could write a database trigger that fires on an update and the launches a script or run liquibase directly. Depending on your situation and your goals, I would recommend that you proceed with caution. Perhaps it would be better to schedule a daily / weekly … job to perform the liquibase activities you desire.