Exporting DB Data?

That should work (since you have the getPriority set). You do need to have the .class file in your classpath in the correct directory or in a jar in the correct directory layout. The .java file itself isn’t used by the java runtime.


thanks a lot !!!

with my extended classpath in liquibase.properties:

  1. url=jdbc:postgresql:

is my export.xml generated.:slight_smile:

By the way:
You have already escaped the keywords by Postgres, only it is commented out:

have you experencied any issues?

My next question is: how i get database structure exported?

i alredy tried:
without --diffTypes
with --diffTypes=tables,columns,views,primaryKeys,indexes,foreignKeys,sequences
with --diffTypes in liquibase.properties and cmdline

i always get only table inserts

  1.             …

Kind regards

sorry, i have found the database structure in my export.xml

it was rather hard to find with all this inserts(15M)… And i have not specified --diffTypes=data

i have it!
the thing was, that my export.xml was not overwritten, as i expected.

Glad you found it. The idea with not overwriting the export.xml is that then you can incrementally have the changelog appended to as you make changes to your database. May need a flag to better document that, though.
