Grails Database �data� migration

Yes, database’s goal is to help you make sure that when you move a new version of your application from staging to production, the database’s schema on production is updated as well.  Changes to the schema (and static lookup-style data) are managed not in the database but in the changelog file.

If the data you are vetting is lookup-style data (list of countries, product types, etc) that is not modified through the application liquibase may work well for you.  If not, something else may work better.


–NEWBIE-- We have a Grails application in which we would like the users to interact with in our �STAGING� environment.  Once the users have vetted the data we would like to export the data from the �STAGING� db and import it into the PRODUCTION db.  I was looking at Liquibase( and grails plug-in database-migration ) and at first glace I thought this would work for us.  But after digging through the documentation on the web, I�m not seeing how to configure migrating the actual data not just the schema. 

Am I missing something is this a proper use case for Liquibase?

Thank you,