Handling runOnChange=true with Git branches on the same database

Imagine the following scenario:
A group of developers works on the same database with Liquibase. Their changes reside in a Git repo and each of them has their own branch with a feature they are working on. If developer A now changes a changeset that is marked with runOnChange=true and updates the database, this changeset will be executed, and the corresponding Checksum is updated in DATABASECHANGELOG. If Developer B (in their own branch) now runs an update against the same database, the same changeset will be executed because Dev B has the Version prior to the one of Dev A and Liquibase notices the Checksum-Mismatch. If Dev A now performs their tests, they will be confused why the database is not up-to-date.

Can we somehow get around this and only update changesets that have a “newer” version? I could of course script it with some Git magic, but this would be a suboptimal solution. I thought about using labels or contexts, but then these would stack up over time on the changesets as each new feature they are involved in, would add another label to them.