Liquibase 4.31.0 released!

Liquibase 4.31.0 just released!

Liquibase 4.31.0 is a major release that contains several new capabilities and notable enhancements for Liquibase Pro users leveraging Checks:

  • Previously, users would need to download and upgrade to the latest Liquibase to get new updates for the checks extension. Now, you can leverage the latest Policy Checks powers by optionally upgrading just the Check Extension on your cadence without upgrading Liquibase. This extension is delivered “in the box” at /internal/extensions, so you do not have to change anything about your current Policy Checks workflow. Learn more at Liquibase Pro Extensions

  • Many other Checks enhancements including: simplifying the custom python check creation flow, showing all checks run in reports, and allowing users to suppress SQL in reports with new global parameters. Read more about those and more at Liquibase 4.31.0 Release Notes

It also contains many general Liquibase improvements, like:

  • Ensuring that changesets with entirely blank IDs will fail validation. This could be a breaking change for some users :boom: .Validation should not fail for changes that have already been ran. Changes that have been ran with an empty changeset id that are marked as runOnChange or runAlways WILL fail validation.

  • Added changeset execution time to output and logs

  • Added calculated checksum to output of calculate-checksum command

  • Added two new command parameters show-tags and tag-filter to history command so users can better see tagged deployments without having to directly examine the DATABASECHANGELOG table

For a full list of changes see the Liquibase 4.31.0 release notes (Release Liquibase v4.31.0 · liquibase/liquibase · GitHub).