I am using Liquibase 4.4.3 on Linux box.
my requirement is i need to connect to MS SQL DB with Windows authentication.
Sql Driver Version is sqljdbc4-4.0.jar also using sqljdbc_auth.dll.
also using integratedSecurity in DB URL.
Error message is: Driver is not configured for integrated authentication.
Thank you for your reply Rakhi, i managed to fixed that issue, that was some firewall issue.
but I am facing another error now.
in change log, i have defined my sql file path,
liquibase is always failing to find sql file.
files are in git and present in my jenkins workspace, still liquibase fail to find them.
Error message is:
Unexpected error running Liquibase: java.io.IOException: The file config/test/file.sql was not found in
Specifying files by absolute path was removed in Liquibase 4.0. Please use a relative path or add ‘/’ to the classpath parameter.
I am using v4.4.3, i tried all, relative path, absolute path, but doesnt work.
Regarding the file not found issue, could you please share the changelog you have been using and also the console output with log level set to “DEBUG”.