Liquibase executes views

We use Liquibase in one of our projects and we have a little problem. The database contains a large number of views. Now everytime liquibase is working on a changeSet it calls every view. This takes about 1 hour. The database changes consists of 10 changeSet. To run this it will take about 10 hour. We use now a workaround that we delete the views before liquibase applies the changes and recreate the views after that. Is there something we can configure to prevent liquibase from executing every view.  We use Version 1.9.1. Maybe this is something that is already changed in a newer version.

Thanks for your help

I’m not sure why it would be executing the views.  Are you using preconditions on your changeSets?  If that is the case, we have made improvements for the upcoming 2.0 release that will help considerably.  I’m not sure if the newer 1.9 releases will help, though.


Yes we use preConditions. Here is a changeSet that executes every view in the database.


I will try it with Liquibase 2 in the next few days and send some feedback how it works.

The problem is solved. I had to update to Liquibase 1.9.5. I thought we are already using the latest version but we had version 1.9.1 in our classpath. 1.9.5 will no longer execute the views and the update of the database only takes a few seconds.

Sorry for the post.


Glad you figured it out.  Sorry I didn’t remember that bug fix between 1.9.1 and 1.9.5
