Liquibase on docker fails to update changelog on the mounted volume


In an attempt to make the whole project more portable, I have decided to keep as much as I can in Docker.
So I am bringing up a docker Postgres, PGAdmin then when I have made changes in the model an din the DB I am running ‘liquibase diffChangeLog’ then ‘liquibase changelogSync’.

The actual command is more complicated as I use latest liquibase docker image. Here’s the command

{DOCKER} run --rm \ -v {FULLSCHEMADIR}:/liquibase/changelog
–network={COMPOSE_NETWORK_NAME} \ liquibase/liquibase:4.3 \ --logLevel=DEBUG \ --changeLogFile="erpdb.{SCHEMA}.changelog.xml"
–referenceUsername={PROD_PG_USER} \ --referencePassword={PROD_PG_PASSWORD}
–username={DEV_PG_USER} \ --password={DEV_PG_PASSWORD}

To exclude human errors and to make it easier going forward, I have put all configuration params in variables.
There is also a script that creates everything from scratch : containers, 2DBs, all schemas and tables from the change log (update then changeLogSync). It works perfectly
Now I make a change in a table in the DEV database, then run the command above and I would expect my changelog to be changed, but that is not the case.

Below is the tail of the log. A thing to note is that the file does actually exist in the attached volume

[2021-03-23 15:08:50] FINE [liquibase.executor] Executing with the ‘jdbc’ executor
[2021-03-23 15:08:50] INFO [liquibase.diff] changeSets count: 1
[2021-03-23 15:08:50] INFO [liquibase.diff] ****.changelog.xml does not exist, creating and adding 1 changesets.
[2021-03-23 15:08:50] FINE [liquibase.servicelocator] Loaded liquibase.parser.NamespaceDetails instance liquibase.parser.core.xml.
[2021-03-23 15:08:50] FINE [liquibase.servicelocator] Loaded liquibase.parser.NamespaceDetails instance com.datical.liquibase.ext.
[2021-03-23 15:08:50] FINE [liquibase.executor] Executing with the ‘jdbc’ executor
[2021-03-23 15:08:50] FINE [liquibase.executor] 0 row(s) affected
Liquibase command ‘diffChangeLog’ was executed successfully.

The forum engine stripped the dollar sign in my command. All uppercase in original has a dollar sign, i.e. is a shell env var