Dependency used: liquibase-core:3.6.1
Java 8
Gradle project using Spring
I am running Liquibase using a Spring Bean which is defined as follows:
SpringLiquibase springLiquibaseIntegration() throws PropertyVetoException {
final SpringLiquibase springLiquibase = new SpringLiquibase();
return springLiquibase;
Some recent DB changes that are being applied via one of my changelogs takes a long time to run and exceeds the default 5 minute timeout.
I have created a file and put it in my src/main/resources folder. This results in the file being present on the classpath in the generated WAR file. Contents of the file:
liquibase.changeLogLockWaitTimeInMinutes: 10
liquibase.changeLogLockPollRate: 15
However, the is NOT being picked up and the default wait time of 5 minutes and poll time of 10 seconds remains in place.
How do configure Liquibase to use the created file?