liquibase with active directory

liquibase does not seem to allow connection to mssql with active directory credentials. Using domain prefix and no prefex results in login failure.

I have just configured liquibase to work with Windows authentication, both with password prompt (Kerberos) and without (Integrated). Literally 2 days ago :slight_smile: It works.

If you could provide more details on your configuration and exact error – I’m happy to help

Example with integrated Auth (using jTDS driver)

–driver=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver --url=“jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://;instance=;databaseName=;domain=<AD_Domain>;useNTLMv2=true;user=<domain\username>;password=” 

here I would recommend an additional wrapper to pass the password as a secure parameter, not storing it. 
Also note that the connection string is logged to console, including username/password pair, so be careful about that.
If you generate SQL script for the change, these credentials will need to be stripped out.

thanks, Nikita. I completely forgot to include integratedsecurity=true. i didnt use jtds but will look into it now.