liquibase does not seem to allow connection to mssql with active directory credentials. Using domain prefix and no prefex results in login failure.
liquibase does not seem to allow connection to mssql with active directory credentials. Using domain prefix and no prefex results in login failure.
I have just configured liquibase to work with Windows authentication, both with password prompt (Kerberos) and without (Integrated). Literally 2 days ago It works.
If you could provide more details on your configuration and exact error – I’m happy to help
Example with integrated Auth (using jTDS driver)
–driver=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver --url=“jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://;instance=;databaseName=;domain=<AD_Domain>;useNTLMv2=true;user=<domain\username>;password=”
here I would recommend an additional wrapper to pass the password as a secure parameter, not storing it.
Also note that the connection string is logged to console, including username/password pair, so be careful about that.
If you generate SQL script for the change, these credentials will need to be stripped out.
thanks, Nikita. I completely forgot to include integratedsecurity=true. i didnt use jtds but will look into it now.