‘listUnrunChangeSets(liquibase.Contexts, liquibase.LabelExpression)’ is deprecated

Hello good people. I have this line of code List<ChangeSet> rawUnrunChangeSets = liquibase.listUnrunChangeSets(new Contexts(context), new LabelExpression()); but using liquibase 4.26.0 throws a warning that states that ‘listUnrunChangeSets(liquibase.Contexts, liquibase.LabelExpression)’ is deprecated. What is the alternative way to get the list of unrun changests in liquibase? I have searched the docs with no success for the alternative approach.

You should be able to do this:

StatusCommandStep commandStep = new StatusCommandStep();
List<ChangeSet> unruns = commandStep.listUnrunChangeSets(contexts, labels, changelog, database);


Thanks a lot Wesley!