Logging start of change set file

I am using liquibase with spring boot application.
At logging level “INFO” I can see only succesfull executing of change set file, but I can’t see the start of executing.
On “DEBUG” level there is a lot of unneeded information.
Can I log start of change set file?

Hi @nrazgovorov, welcome to the liqubase forum!

Could you show me both the INFO and the DEBUG and tell me what it is you want to see exactly? I don’t have in my memory the exact output difference.



Hi! Here is the INFO Output:
2020-07-06 12:51:54.811 INFO 14057 — [ restartedMain] liquibase: classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml: db/changelog/audit-log/0000-init.sql::raw::includeAll: Custom SQL executed
2020-07-06 12:51:54.831 INFO 14057 — [ restartedMain] liquibase: classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml: db/changelog/audit-log/0000-init.sql::raw::includeAll: ChangeSet
DEBUG Output:
2020-07-08 10:56:54.211 DEBUG 14080 — [ restartedMain] liquibase : classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml: db/changelog/seed/general/0003-role_permission.yaml::0003-role_permission::ydvorzhetskiy: Executing Statement: liquibase.statement.core.InsertOrUpdateStatement@52d437a9
2020-07-08 10:56:54.211 DEBUG 14080 — [ restartedMain] liquibase : classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml: db/changelog/seed/general/0003-role_permission.yaml::0003-role_permission::ydvorzhetskiy: Executing EXECUTE database command: DO
UPDATE public.role_permission SET permission_id = ‘READ_EVENTS_UNIT_UNPACK’, permission_status = ‘ACTIVE’, role_id = ‘b621da95-6d32-4b58-be4b-175782f225db’ WHERE id = ‘1604ea94-649b-4340-b57d-3221063dcd4f’;
IF not found THEN
INSERT INTO public.role_permission (role_id, permission_id, id, permission_status) VALUES (‘b621da95-6d32-4b58-be4b-175782f225db’, ‘READ_EVENTS_UNIT_UNPACK’, ‘1604ea94-649b-4340-b57d-3221063dcd4f’, ‘ACTIVE’);
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

2020-07-08 10:56:54.972 INFO 14080 — [ restartedMain] liquibase : classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml: db/changelog/seed/general/0003-role_permission.yaml::0003-role_permission::ydvorzhetskiy: ChangeSet db/changelog/seed/general/0003-role_permission.yaml::0003-role_permission::ydvorzhetskiy ran successfully in 1276ms
What i want to see:
2020-07-06 12:51:54.800 INFO 14057 — [ restartedMain] liquibase: classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml: db/changelog/audit-log/0000-init.sql::raw::includeAll: Executing Custom SQL
2020-07-06 12:51:54.811 INFO 14057 — [ restartedMain] liquibase: classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml: db/changelog/audit-log/0000-init.sql::raw::includeAll: Custom SQL executed
2020-07-06 12:51:54.831 INFO 14057 — [ restartedMain] liquibase: classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml: db/changelog/audit-log/0000-init.sql::raw::includeAll: ChangeSet

@nrazgovorov, I understand now. You want INFO to include the following items from DEBUG:

Since this would require some code change, it would be more of a feature request (or a Pull Request if you feel like updating the liquibase code). I would start here:

Please enter the issue here. I was about to fill it out on your behalf but, I could not answer questions like version of Liquibase you are using and platform.

