While testing Liquibase 4.20.0 as part of working to resolve this issue, I ran a mvn liquibase:update
and got:
[WARNING] Cannot handle classloader url file:/Users/geoffrey/.m2/repository/com/itextpdf/itext7-core/7.1.14/itext7-core-7.1.14.pom: Not a directory: /Users/geoffrey/.m2/repository/com/itextpdf/itext7-core/7.1.14/itext7-core-7.1.14.pom. Operations that need to list files from this location may not work as expected
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not a directory: /Users/geoffrey/.m2/repository/com/itextpdf/itext7-core/7.1.14/itext7-core-7.1.14.pom
This looks to be the result of a standard iText dependency, which you can see listed here:
They suggest adding a pom
dependency on iText, which seems to result in a classpath that Liquibase doesn’t like. There won’t be files that liquibase needs, but getting a stack trace every time we run liquibase isn’t ideal. Suggestions?