Property substitution is not working when @ operator is used in Label filter

I’m trying to run only few change sets which have a specific label.
So I’m using @ operator to force the liquibase to consider only the changesets with specified label, no other changesets without a label.
Like this

liquibase update-sql --label-filter=“@labelname

But I have a dynamic property in the changeset for environment qualifier. So I’m using something like this

liquibase update-sql --label-filter=“@labelname” -DENV=DEV

The issue with the above command is, the ENV property is not getting replaced with DEV
But, I have observed the below command is properly replacing the property ENV with DEV if I don’t use @ operator in label filter, but also executing changesets without labels as well.

liquibase update-sql --label-filter=“labelname” -DENV=DEV

I have tried versions 4.23.1 and 4.29.2.
Same result in both the versions.

I understand labels and properties are two different features but some how I found this scenario conflicting.
Any help or suggestion on how to overcome this situation would be helpful.
Thank you

Liquibase support confirmed this as a bug.
This is fixed in liquibase v4.30.0 onwards.