In my project to support,the rollback through release jira deployment process, but as per 4.20.0 jar,liquibase doesnt support rollback through changeset id,is there any option to do this?
In my project to support,the rollback through release jira deployment process, but as per 4.20.0 jar,liquibase doesnt support rollback through changeset id,is there any option to do this?
Liquibase does support rollback to a prior changeset, here is an example:
<changeSet id="create_procedurev1" author="BOB" runOnChange="true">
<sql endDelimiter="/">
create or replace procedure test_proc is
v_dummy1 date;
select sysdate into v_dummy1 from "DUAL";
end test_proc;
<changeSet id="create_procedurev2" author="BOB" runOnChange="true">
<sql endDelimiter="/">
create or replace procedure test_proc is
v_dummy2 date;
select sysdate-1 into v_dummy2 from dual;
end test_proc;
<rollback changeSetId="create_procedurev1" changeSetAuthor="BOB"/>
Thank you, can u please help with command to run for rolling back using changeset id-
This is my changeset in sql file, and i want 23456 to be rolled back dynamically by passing the chnagesetid 23456.
– changeset Venkat:23456
CREATE TABLE example_table (
name VARCHAR(255)
–rollback DROP TABLE IF EXISTS example_table;
Assuming you are using open source Liquibase, changesets are rolled-back in reverse chronological order. So if changeset 23456 was the most recent changeset applied, this will roll it back:
liquibase <other parms here> rollback-count 1
You don’t pass in the changeset id to rollback.